In this life you need to take personal responsibility for yourself. You need to know where you are going, what it will take to get there and be prepared to pay the price. It’s very easy to look up to people who have made you promises of helping you in one way or the other. It’s very easy to look for support from people you think are accomplished but you need to understand that everyone’s journey is different. Even siblings born in the same house do not end up attaining the same level of success. Because some are ready to pay the price, some others put in the barest minimum to get by. You have a choice to look up to man or to look up to God. Put in the work and you will be successful.

With all the gifts and talents that you have been so blessed with, distinguish yourself in your field of endeavour. Make an effort to be the best in your field and shine on.

Nobody is going to save you from the challenges life will throw at you so save yourself. Get up when the going gets tough. Brace yourself and make an impact. When you fall rise again. If somebody offers to help accept it as long as it will not take you of the path God has created for you.

Quit looking up to people, rather look to God and He will send you people who will help you get to your destination in life. Before you look up to someone know that they have their own peculiar challenges they are dealing with so they may not be available when you need them. Be at peace with this and move on with your life. Life will be miserable for you if you always look up to people because you will be disappointed time without number.

Save yourself nobody is going to save you.


Life is not a straight line where you start from one end and you arrive at the other point in a continuum. There are ups and downs, and there are high moments and low moments. There are days you will not feel like getting out of bed but there are also days you will be itching for day to dawn.

Life is full of seasons. There are times when you have abundance and there are times when you will be struggling to make ends meet. But in all of this know that from here to there, it will not take the same time for one person as it will for another person. When you achieve some heights or you have a cause to celebrate it is time to reflect on how you got there.

You will realize that things did not always work the way you expected them to work. You had some bad breaks, you had some near misses, and you wept sometimes. Because you were so frustrated that things were going north all the time. You despaired and you felt like throwing in the towel because you cannot seem to make headway.

But when you eventually get to your destination you will be appreciative of how all things have worked together for your good. The bad breaks may have brought you some other opportunities you were not expecting. You may have made some new friends. You may have had to relocate to a new place. You may have had to take a course just to get another job you did not like but all in all it will work out for your good just hang in there.

Instead of crying over split milk or worrying about how many lemons you have why not make lemonades out of them. You might just come upon a new recipe, get inspired to write a book or a poem, and end up doing some research that will bring solutions to many who are yet unborn. Be intentional about living every season of your life because you do not know what you are being prepared for.

Life is a journey live it love it.


A lot of times in life we strive to achieve things not really because we need them but it may be because we want to keep up with the Joneses or to prove a point to somebody. We expend so much energy trying to get that particular thing and then we finally achieve it. Before you start anything ask yourself a few questions. Will this please God? Is this what God wants for my life? What is the real motivation for which I want to get that particular thing? Will it be a blessing to the world, your community or your country? Will it have eternal relevance? Will posterity be blessed by it?

Asking these questions will have a great impact on your why. Usually, when people have gone through great challenges and are using their pain as a blessing they are not motivated by money but by the need to help others not to experience what they have been through.

If your why is to prove a point you will do so much to destroy lives, wreak havoc and eventually get what you want, and then what next? You will feel so miserable you will not even believe it. The joy of getting what you strove for will be short-lived. If you do not see this as an opportunity to realign your priorities you will end up in a never-ending cycle of hard-to-get things and feel miserable later.

Wouldn’t you rather want the reverse where your achievement is a blessing? Every time you see people lifted up because of you, you will be fulfilled. A life lived on temporary things is empty. A life built with posterity in mind is a much richer life. Not only will you be at peace but you will be intentional about doing whatever you do for the right reasons. A life built with others in mind helps you grow because you will always want to give the best of yourself, your time and energy for the betterment of others.

Before you take any step in life take time to think of this question, what next? After I have built this house what next? After I have gotten this degree what next? After I have gotten this job what next? You will find that it keeps you humble and makes you intentional about being a person of impact, instead of being just another human being floating on the surface of the earth.

We are made for signs and wonders therefore let everything you do in this life count, knowing that you are going to give an account of it later. Live a life worth living, live a life worth remembering. Live with the end in mind. You want a richer and more fulfilling life.
Think on these things.


When I started my writing journey a few weeks ago I didn’t know what to write. I didn’t know which topics would appeal to people. When I eventually got a topic I wrote so much. It was like a tap had been opened in my head. When I finished writing I published it on I had just discovered the platform from a YouTube video I watched a few days prior.

When my post was published on I realized it was only a minute’s read. I was so disappointed; I wondered why some people were able to write posts that were a five-minute read. But when I posted the second post it was a three-minute read. And then I posted a third one and it was a two-minute read. Then I realized it is not the length of what you write, but the value that it brings to your readers. It is the impact it makes on the lives of the people who are reading your post.

Sometimes you will have a lot to say to them, other times it will be just a word like “Peace”. But it resonates so much with someone because they are going through a storm, they are having a bad day, they have just lost their job, they may have lost a baby or they are battling a life-threatening disease. So that one word will make so much sense to them. Telling someone who is having a hard time “it is well” means so much to them. It might not mean anything to you until you are in the same situation as them. But that notwithstanding, know that it is not the length of the speech that makes sense but it is how relevant it is in solving problems that matter.


Don’t let anybody make you feel inferior. Don’t let anybody make you a dumping site for their misery. Don’t allow anybody to belittle you, because, you are worthy. You were made in the image and likeness of God; He made you special. He took time to craft the person called “you”. He made plans as to how to ensure you are special in your own right. You are not a copy, or a product of mass production. You are custom-made. An order was specially placed for you. Specifications were given about how you should be made. You are the chief’s special on the menu.

You are special

You were made for a purpose. You have been put here on earth for a very special assignment. You are not the product of accident even when the people who birthed you think of you as such.

You are special

Of all the people in this world you have been given a special mandate, a special assignment that only you can do. You have been equipped with every resource you need to fulfill that special assignment. New people are still being created to assist you accomplish the purpose for which you were brought on earth.

You are indeed special

Systems are being created to help you do your assignment and finish well.

Truly you are special

So don’t allow anybody to turn you into a copy for any reason. Fiercely pursue your purpose, your calling and your ministry. You are made to make a difference in this world. You are made to bring hope to people. You are made to be the answer to some of life’s nagging challenges. You are the epitome of God’s wisdom. He has endowed you with special wisdom to be His representative on this earth. You are the apple of God’s eye. Nothing escapes His notice as far as you are concerned.

Yes, you are very special

Therefore do not settle for crumbs that fall under the table. You are made to wine and dine with kings and queens. Kings and queens are supposed to be your foster parents. You are made for greatness. You are to be the key to open doors for great things to happen.

You are very, very, special

You are made in the image and the likeness of God. If God put so much effort into making flowers such that King Solomon in all his glory could not be their match, how much more you, who are worth more than the flower which today exists but disappears tomorrow?

You are worth the love, care, protection and provision. God has daily resources to release to you, if only you trust Him. Your kind is rare. You are a masterpiece. You are made to be the person who points others to God through your work, ministry and your calling.

You are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do God’s work. So embrace this love. Embrace this gift He has so generously given you and make the most of every opportunity God brings your way. You are worthy so don’t sign yourself out of the very thing God is bringing your way to project you to the world. Stop hiding from everybody. Stop playing small. You are born to a Father who is known to do great things.

Stop settling for less than God’s best for your life. Take hold of the very best He has in store for you. When He puts ideas into your heart pursue it with all the energy He gives you. Don’t die a copy. You were made to accomplish trans-generational achievements. Start making that move, take that step, take that course, and make a difference. The world is waiting to celebrate you because you are special, well-crafted for greatness. You are worthy, shine on. The world awaits your greatness. 


Forgiveness is a command from God. He set the example by forgiving us of our sins by sending Jesus to the earth to die for our sins so we can be reconciled to Him. He thus commands us to also forgive those who offend us.

Forgiveness is not an easy thing to do, especially when the person who is offending is lying to defend themselves; is unrepentant; and/or is unwilling to change. It is difficult to forgive someone who feels everyone is a problem except themselves. But God commands us to forgive.

Forgiveness has been a personal journey God has taken me on over the years. After enduring years of hurt, pain, abuse, neglect, and harassment, I learnt to let go and let God fight my battles for me. Every time I was mistreated, accused falsely or trampled upon, I decided to take revenge— my heart was filled with so much hatred. It affected a lot of things in my life: relationships, health, well-being etc. But when I released the issue to God and prayed, God, punished the person(s) more than I would have done. And always God restored all that I had lost in the relationship. Whenever I let God fight for me, I always ended up better off.

A time comes when people gang up against you to do all kinds of unjust things against you. And it becomes so difficult to deal with the pain. Know that God knows everything that happens to you. Nothing escapes God’s notice and so God keeps a record of the wrong that has been done to you and He will make it right, not in your time, but in His time.

Sometimes God wants to birth a ministry through you and needs you to have a certain experience. This will produce that painful experience but will bring people to His light. If you allow God to use that pain to His glory you are going to experience an avalanche of His blessings and His goodness. If you decide to use that pain to hurt others you will experience a lot more pain and you will be very miserable.

Knowing the purpose of pain makes it easy to forgive the offence. The bigger the offence, the more grace is needed to heal and let go. Acknowledging that you are offended and hurt is a step to getting over the pain. Depending on what has been done to you, talking about what you have experienced releases some of the pain that you are experiencing. From personal experience the more I spoke about a painful experience, the more healing I got, until a time that I stopped feeling the pain. Having trusted people who stand in the gap for you and pray for your healing also makes it easy for you to experience healing and peace.

God gives beauty for ashes, oil of gladness for a heart of heaviness. Is He asking you to forgive someone?  Trust Him, He knows best and He will make it right for you. My experiences in life have taught me that when people offend you and refuse to own up they become restless, especially when you do not retaliate. They spend all their time afraid of your reaction and the more you refuse to give in to revenge, the more restless they become. They may not have time to be scheming against you like they used to do. This not only leaves you feeling relieved but you also experience a lot of peace knowing that you have gotten your power back.

“Vengeance is mine and I will repay,” says the Lord. Let God fight for you and watch in awe how He deals with your oppressors. It’s a refreshing sight to behold and He will give you peace. God is able to do so much with that pain, you will marvel at how awesome He is. Just trust Him.


See what the Lord has done for you as a testament to what He is able to do in the future. That job loss, that miscarriage, that accident which was supposed to have taken your life but He spared you. See these as a testimony of what He is able to do.

Every time things do not work out and you are tempted to be discouraged look up to God. He knows why things did not work out the way you wanted them to work. He knows the end from the beginning and just before He does anything great He ensures the praise will go to Him. Are you discouraged? Are you about to throw in the towel? Don’t give up, just hang in there.

When the storm you are weathering passes you will realize He was working out something good for you and you will be so impressed with what He has been doing in the dark.

When you felt so alone;

When it looked like everything in your life was coming to a screeching halt;

When it looked like this was going to be the end of you;


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” This is God’s word to you today.

Trust the process. Trust that He will bring you to an expected end. Trust that all things are working together for your good. And know that one day you will look back and sing with Nathaniel Bassey, “See what the Lord has done.”

Those storms you are weathering are supposed to strengthen you and give you a testimony; a great and compelling story that will bring people to the light of God. Are you ready to be used as a vessel of honour? Are you ready to lift up the banner of God and show forth His goodness to the world? These are the things which should keep you pressing on until you get your breakthrough. Know that God will come through for you just when you thought all hope was lost.


Keep moving; the obstacles are not going to stop anytime soon. Embrace the change and make the most of every opportunity it presents. It never gets easier when you are climbing up the mountain but you will arrive at the apex soon if you don’t give up. The failure was just to show you what did not work so you will find other means of achieving what you set out to do.

Nobody ever got to the top without failing, (or tumbling sometimes) but they kept moving and now they are at their destination. A time is going to come when you will look back and wonder how you surmounted all the obstacles that were in your way. It is not going to be a rosy ride on this journey called life but it will be so worth all the toil and the hardship and certainly all the tears you shed to get there.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and you are still looking at the step and wondering whether you should move or stay at the same point. Keep moving my dear, there is a lot at stake if you do not move and you will find that you enjoyed the journey even though there were a lot of obstacles on your way.

Every good turn deserves another, that is why once you take the first step it becomes easier to take the second and then the third and before you know it you have done a hundred and you are wondering how you got this far. It is always difficult beginning but once you take off, like the aeroplane you will go very far.

There are many people waiting for you at the other side to cheer you on so keep moving. The obstacles are not going anywhere so keep taking that step of faith. And you will surely see victory ahead of you. This will not only make you forget the toil but will also help you bring others along next time and you can celebrate with them as well.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step so will your journey lead you a thousand miles. Keep celebrating your little wins along the way and keep reminding yourself that you are close to the finish line even when it is not in sight, because you will surely get there. You are not a failure so stop comparing yourself with other people who have gone ahead of you.

The clock has twelve numbers and it rotates on its orbit from 12 am to 12am another day. But we are all not in the same time zone at the same time and so others will be ahead you and you will be ahead of others and some will be at par with you but each one is moving at their own pace and you will also get to your destination.

Why don’t you celebrate those who have arrived and encourage those who are yet to reach your position? You will end up feeling more exhilarated and energized to take your journey. We are all on different paths and so will require different amounts of effort, resources and time to arrive at our destination. That is why you should celebrate your little wins while you work on getting from here to there. That’s when you finally celebrate your achievement and set an even bigger goal which will propel you to a much greater height. Because once you stop moving you stop growing, you stop learning and you die. You are meant for more. Go for it, dear.


In life quitting is very easy. When you look at the hurdles and you see how much effort is needed to surmount them, the easier option is to quit. But quitting is not an option because it leaves you feeling defeated.

Why don’t you try and fail? Try again and yet again, maybe one last time. You will be surprised by how much you will learn on the journey. You will pick up a lot of virtues on the way. You will discover a lot of things about yourself. You will feel proud of yourself knowing you could have thrown in the towel but you stood your ground and did not fail.

One thing that keeps us going daily is that we have another opportunity to try what we could not get right at first and make corrections.

 Before you throw in the towel try one more time. Don’t quit just yet.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. This is a popular saying which reiterates the fact that in order to achieve anything in life one needs to do it step by step. In order to attain great heights one needs to take little incremental steps which take you closer to your dream. Newton’s first law of motion states that an object will remain in its state of inertia unless it is moved by another object of equal or greater force.

This means that once you are stagnant and are not making any move in life you stay put at the same place. A little step here and a little there not only moves you closer to your dream but also teaches you a lot of things. As you progress, trying hard to meet the targets and goals you have set, you will face a lot of obstacles. You can either stop and complain about the obstacles or find a way around them.

Every obstacle you overcome teaches you a lot of things. Not only do you become stronger, you become better as well. You gain insights and experiences that are priceless and can be a guide to others on the journey.

Every misstep, every failure, every difficulty becomes a badge of honour when you eventually get to your destination. You may not have all the resources to begin the journey with but once you begin you will find better resources on the way to your desired destination. You will acquire a community of people who will celebrate you when you eventually get to your destination. You will have people dropping off along the way when their season in your life comes to an end. Some exits may be painful others may be less painful depending on how and why they left your life.

Every day is an opportunity to get up, dust yourself off and move on. You may feel like giving up along the way but keep going anyway. Things may not work the way you expect, but keep moving anyway. You may need to change the route you are taking to your desired destination but keep pressing on. You will surely get there in no time if you do not stop the little incremental steps.

Truly a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Only one step.